Climate Change


Blackpool Council has published a Climate Emergency Action Plan setting out how the council and town can aim for net zero carbon emissions by 2030, Blackpool Unlimited are therefore presenting a guide to climate change which will help you make informed decisions to make changes to your business.


How your business could make a difference?

No matter how small your business, what industry or part of the UK you’re in, your commitment could make a real difference – to the planet, to your customers and to your running costs! Even the smallest businesses produce carbon emissions – it could be through your building, your vehicles or your suppliers. We’re asking you to take the first step on your journey, by committing to cutting those carbon emissions in half by 2030 and to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050. Net zero means that you are putting no more carbon into the atmosphere than you are taking out of it. (UK Business Climate Hub)

We've put together this guide of ideas and inspiration on how to implement change to reduce carbon omissions in your business.

Please have a look to see how you can make a start today

Tools and resources

Free Guide: How to get started with sustainability - Download FSB’s free guide and find out how you can start your journey to net zero. It's packed with practical advice and tips to help you reduce your carbon footprint and make a difference for tomorrow.

Tools - SME Climate hub ( - The SME Climate Hub is a global initiative that aims to mainstream climate action in the small to medium sized business community, and enable SMEs to build resilient businesses for the future.

Top tips on how to decarbonise your business - Top tips from Electricity North West for businesses to do now to decarbonise.

Sustainability for SMEs - British Business Bank - British Business Bank is the UK’s national development bank that provides free financial tools and information on how to create a sustainable business and prepare for green growth.


Support & Funding 

Blackpool Net Zero Business Academy  Net zero isn't just about operating cleaner and more ethically.
It's about making a greater difference to your people, your customers and the bottom line.

Discover how Blackpool Net Zero Business Academy could help you build a cleaner, more profitable business.

If you're a Blackpool-based business with your own premises and have been operating for over 12 months then, whatever you do, whatever your scale and whatever your turnover, the Blackpool Net Zero Business Academy is for you.

We're ready to help every Blackpool business across all sectors including manufacturing, construction, farming, retail, hospitality and more.

The MaCaW project is an academic/industry collaboration designed to assist Lancashire SMEs in overcoming the challenges and barriers in moving towards a low carbon economic model. They will work with you and your business to implement low energy practices and processes to reduce your carbon burden as well as making cost savings. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and delivered by the University of Central Lancashire

Chamber Low Carbon gives SMEs free ‘1-2-1’ consulting to improve energy efficiency and develop low carbon products. Must be based in Lancashire

Support for SMEs to design and run research and innovation projects - Eco-I NW is a £14m business Research and Development (R&D) programme which will support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) across the North West (Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire and Warrington).

Upcoming Events

Events - Zero Carbon Business

Carbon Trust news and events 

Case studies

Crozier Campers play a part in protecting and preserving the environment and reducing their impact on the planet. 

Our plans to bring electric buses to Blackpool - Blackpool Transport

Lancashire frozen food business installs solar panels and saves money on energy bills


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